AF - Adjustable Fork

The adjustable fork (AF) is designed such that the tines can be slid along a rear frame. The tines are locked in place by turning a knob at the top of the frame, ensuring that they stay securely in place while lifting loads.
The adjustment ensures that the distance between the tines is always optimal for a given load; be it boxes, pallets or other varying loads. The adjustment also allows the load to be picked up off-centre, which can be very helpful in situations where space is limited.


  • Independently adjustable fork tines for easy positioning where access is restricted.

  • Lockable position - simply turn a knob to lock tines firmly in position.

  • Easily customisation - The dimensions of the adjustable fork can be modified to customer specifications.

  • Rugged construction for industrial use. With its all-stainless steel construction, the AF is built to last and for use in demanding industrial environments.

AF - Adjustable Fork - Images